7、80年代,為協助業者突破貿易保護主義之壁壘,強化我國產品在國際市場之競爭力,強化我國產品在國際市場競爭力,政府乃責成負責貿易拓展之外貿協會於1979年成立產品設計處,並自1990年更名為設計推廣中心,對內灌輸業者設計思維,培育設計人才及增進設計能力;對外積極推動設計國際化,提升我國優良設計國際形象,斯時德國iF設計即為我國倚重之設計推動夥伴,藉助iF設計執行長Ralph Wiegmann 來臺獻身說法,引進設計新知及國際設計趨勢,讓我國業者大為拓大國際視野。及至2003年政府為推動文化創意產業,設計推廣中心轉型為台灣創意設計中心,成為創意設計整合服務平台,成立第二年,德國iF設計有意在亞洲發展,正積極尋覓城市設置據點,經我大力推薦,Ralph慎重評估後,終於2005年在台北市成立該公司第一個海外分支單位,從此開啟更進一步的實質合作關係,協助台灣科技產業及自行車產業提升設計能力及國際形象,更每年於台北市舉辦iF設計交流餐會,邀請產業界、設計界及學界人士參與,分享設計成功經驗,如今iF台北分公司已成為大中華地區的總部,大為提升台灣設計國際能見度。
從2000年開始iF設計獎項,普受台灣產業界及設計界之重視,每年參賽之件數,逐年增加,同時該獎項,也成為台灣評量推動設計成效的指標之一,回顧過去30年,台灣的設計產業及設計教育得以與國際並駕齊驅,還真要感謝Ralph 為台灣所作之貢獻。
今串聯傳媒特別將獲得2020 iF設計獎之作品集結成冊,讓讀者不但一窺台灣設計之實力,同時藉由作品之呈現,加深了解國際設計趨勢,也未獲獎的業者及設計服務業致上最高之敬意。
During the 70s and 80s, to assist domestic industries in breaking through the tariff fortress of trade protectionism by strenothenig the competitiveness of Taiwan's products in the international market, Taiwan government directed the Talwan External Trade Development Council to establish the Office of Product Design which was renamed, Design Promotion Center, in 1990, with the missin of installing a design-centric mindset in domestic businesses to enhance design capability and cultivating design professionals while actively promoting Taiwan as an international design powerhouse, and as Germany's iF Design being Talwan's key partner in international design development and promotion, the visit of iF Design CEO, Mr. Ralph Wiegmann, to Taiwan has brought to Taiwan the lastest in the trend and knowledge of the International design industry which has been highly informative for Taiwan's design professionals. In 2003, the Taiwan government launched a policy initiative to propel falwan's culture and creative sector by elevatino the Design Promotion Center to the Taiwan Creative Design Center as an integrated service platform for creative design, and in its second year, given iF Design's search for an operation base with the intention to expand its presence in Asia, Mr. Ralph, based on my recommendation, has chosen Taipei to be the base for iF Design's first international branch office, which has been instrumental in assisting the technology and bicycle industries to elevate design capacity, hence their international reputation as well as hosting annual iF Design Event in Taipel to share successful design experiences and ventures, with the deserving gravitas of the Greater China Headquarter for fostering the knowledge sharing and standard elevation in international design.
Since 2000, Taiwan's industries and design professionals have come under the exposure of iF Design Award, and the number of industry and professional participation from Taiwan has grown phenomenally while iF Award has become one of the critical indicators of design promation rating, so in retrospect of the last thirty years, the fact that the design industry and education in Taiwan have become on par with international standard, Mr. Ralph has been left an indelible contribution in Taiwan's great leap in the world of design.
Link Media Group has compiled a collection of 2020 IF Design award-winning design words in the form of an Annual Book for the appreciation of Taiwan's excellence in design, as well as gaining insight into international design trend while paying homage to the award-winning designers and the design industry.