年復一年,臺灣的設計師與品牌企業屢次在iF設計大獎中展示他們的非凡技術。今年收護前所未有的成果! 有超過180種的產品和概念,因卓越的設計能力而榮獲iF設計大獎2020。打破了臺灣歷年來的紀錄!創造出喜灣設計的輝煌時刻,再次恭喜所有獲獎者!
這樣的結果反映出了臺灣企家的創新精神,他們致力於開發具有競爭力的產品、擁有強烈的服務熱忱,以及在最新技術領域中保持高度競爭力。再次強調,這次獲獎作品讓我們印象特別深刻! 如何解決問題並提出適切方案,唯一的方法就是,有效的實踐創新的想法,並成功的詮釋產品及其概念。特別是今年,我們在所有室內設計領域的獲獎作品中,能感受到這般的傑出設計實力!
此外,像是Compal Electronics、BenQ、Acer 或 ASUSTek 等知名品牌廠商,也長年參加了iF設計大獎,並以突出表現進入最高級別的賽事。事實上,這讓我們感到特別自豪,iF和台灣做為一個設計重點區域,在各個層面都有緊密的連結,當然,這也是由於iF與台灣設計中心 (TDC) 多年來密切的合作關係。
我們期望將來與臺灣產品設計師、室內設計師、建築師、企業和製造商一起解決這個問題,並在iF DESIGN AWARD 2021上看到更多精彩傑出的作品!
Year after year, Taiwan's designers and companies demonstrate their exceptional skills at the iF DESIGN AWARD. And this year it pald off especially well! Much more than 180 products and concepts were honored with the iF DESIGN AWARD 2020 for their extraordinary design. That's a record! Never before has Talwanese design been so successtul! Congratulations again to all winners!
This result reflects the innovative entrepreneurship, the strong will to develop competitive prodücts and services, and the high competence for the latest technologles. Once again, we were deeply impressed by this works. The way of finding solutions, implementing them innovatively and then successfully communicating the message of the product or project is almast unique. However, especially this year, we were able to perceive Talwan's brilliant design strength in all the award-winning entries in the discipline of interior design. But also such well-known manufacturers like Compal Electronics, BenQ, Acer or ASUSTEK have been playing in the highest league for years.
This is a fact of which we are particularly proud, since iF and Talwan as a design hotspot are strongly connected on many levels and for many years. This is of course also due to the close partnership with the Taiwan Design Center (TDC).
Design and the growing awareness of design is a matter close the heart at iF and has also been high priority for Taiwanese companies and manufacturers, especially In recent years. Although the exchange and input between designers, institutions and companies is helping to make design thinking even more important, our task is now: How can we internalize it, how can we support even more good design for everyday life?
We are looking forward to working on this question with Taiwanese designers, interior designers, architects, companies manufacturers in the future and to seeing more and more outstanding work at the iF DESIGN AWARD 2020!