近年來,台灣設計已逐漸在國際舞台上嶄露頭角。在2021年iF設計大獎近萬件參賽作品中,共有 267件台灣作品獲獎,其中更有6件獲iF金質獎殊榮,這是繼去年的好成績後,台灣設計再次於iF打破紀錄,締結超越歷年的佳績。
在本次獲獎的台灣作品中,範疇相當多元,不論是結合台灣製造與設計實力的各式產品、以在地詼諧趣味方式呈現政府文宣的「屏東超級縣政」,或備受國際醫療、設計界及媒體關注的「智慧防疫病房MAC Ward」,我們不僅能看見台灣多年累積設計能量的展現,更代表著一直以來持續努力的目標—全民對於設計意識的提升,已逐漸落實在產業、社會乃至政府公部門等不同領域,並且帶動具體的創新與改變。
一如去年獲得日本優良設計獎(Good Design Award)BEST100,今年再榮獲iF金質獎高度肯定的「學美.美學—校園美感設計實踐計畫」,藉由減法設計、閒置再造及靈活可複製的設計策略,將美感教育融入校園生活,並透過空間的翻新再造,帶動課程學習與教育方式的轉變。這項
In the past few years, designs from Taiwan have started to gain recognition internationally. Among the ten thousand pieces of the iF Design Awards in 2021, 267 were from Taiwan; six were even awarded the iF Gold Awards. Taiwan’s designs have broken records of the iF by surpassing previous records following the last year.
Taiwanese works that were awarded this time are diversified. Whether if they were products that combined MIT with designing abilities, such as using local phrases to deliver government propaganda—The Superior Pingtung County administration, or the Intelligent Prevention Unit MAC Ward that has drawn attention from the international medical industry, design industry, and press, we could witness the demonstration of years of designing development in Taiwan. They have also represented a goal that we have been working on—the increase in public recognition for designing is slowly fulfilling within industries, society, government departments, and more, bringing specific innovations and changes.
As awarded by the Good Design Award’s BEST 100 last year, the Design Movement on Campus was rewarded once again with the iF Gold Awards this year. It applied subtractive design, idle recreation, and design methods that can be flexibly replicated, bringing aesthetic education into campus. Also, remodeling and rebuilding spaces can actively transform course learning and teaching methods. This project is beneficial not only to aesthetic promotion but also to a social movement that leads towards innovations and changes.We look forward to the public the change their thoughts and values on-campus environment through the import of design thinking.
In recent years, designing is no longer an added value or concept in Taiwan—it is now a basic DNA. We are looking forward to the power of design in Taiwan to shine internationally and develop solutions for future challenges. With the impact of a pandemic, we have all noticed that many questions cannot be solved through a single country, area, or expertise. Designers should participate in public interests, sustainability developments, and other global matters more actively in the post-epidemic era while thinking detailly about cooperating and co-creating through different fields to provide a better future for daily living services public.