2020 iF 特刊,收錄了25 位臺灣室內設計師作品,機能美感兼備,品味修為深厚,展現了臺灣令人驕傲的設計實力。iF 獎是設計界重要的國際大賽,各國頂尖高手交流的絕佳平台,無論是設計師自我證明,還是品牌曝光與價值推助,iF 都是兵家必爭之地。在今年的特刊裡,各位讀者可以看到各種風格與不同導向的傑出作品。
一、 商業成功類:這類獲獎作品不僅在尺度、外觀、質感等視覺上追求完滿,同時也洞察使用者經驗,在動線、服務流程、資訊傳導等實際使用層面精準的掌握空間的人我關係,幫助品牌更流暢的運作並發揮最大的空間價值。
二、 創新實驗類:將時空快轉到未來,透過建築結構、氛圍營造以及材料手法的創新,以實驗精神解決全人類面臨的社會問題與環境挑戰。這類作品既有不設限的前衛感和爆發力,又有傳統君子追求的經世濟民精神,欣賞起來特別有意思。
三、 心領神會類:設計師在創作過程中去除雜念,僅存純粹的創作初衷,如達《金剛經》:「無我相、無人相、無眾生相、無壽者相。」境界。這類作品已讀不出爭勝之心,無一不自然而恰到好處。設計最難便是在此,因緣熟成,一切都是剛剛好。
呈現了臺灣設計是如此優秀而充滿生命力,感謝所有設計師,讓世界看到Designed ㏌ Taiwan 的豐沛能量。
The 2020 iF Special Issue features 25 Taiwanese interior designers and their works that combine functionality with aesthetics, are rich in taste and substance, and demonstrate the extraordinary design ability of Taiwan. The iF Design Award is an important international event in the design community and a great platform for top players from all nations to exchange ideas. It is undoubtedly also a battleground for all designers, from those wishing to prove themselves to those seeking brand exposure or a boost in brand value. In this year's special issue, readers can expect works of all kinds of styles and dierent orientations.
Please allow me to categorize them:
1. Commercial Success: This type of award-winning designs not only pursues visual perfection in terms of scale, appearance, and texture, but it also has clear insight into user experience. The precise grasp on self/other interactions in the aspect of functionality, such as circulation, service processes, and information transmission, allows the brand to operate more smoothly and maximize spatial value.
2. Innovative & Experimental: Fast-forward into the future, through innovations on structure, atmosphere building, material, and technique, and with the spirit of experimentation, designers could solve social problems and environmental challenges all human beings facing. This type of work is avant-garde and has unlimited explosive force, yet, at the same time, it consists of the spirit of humanitarianism, which is especially interesting to behold.
3. The Heart Knows: During the design process, these designers had eliminated all distractions and only saved their initial aims, and had reached the realm of "The forms of an ego, a personality, a being, and a life are not forms" mentioned in the Diamond Sutra.
Nocompetitive spirit is sensed in these designs and every single element is there in its place. This is the highest form of design, where fatetakes control and everything is just right. An outstanding piece of work should always be multifaceted. In my experience, whenever a panel of international judges conduct a final discussion, they return to the essence of design: to solve problems and to resonate with people. In this issue, the Taiwanese designs are exceptional and full of life. Many thanks to all the designers for showing the world the vigor and vitality that is "Designed in Taiwan".