豪華朗機工,是以共識創造為主張,亦以之為實踐的藝術團隊,時常驚嘆於設計師們的理性堅持,那是一種被稱為藝術態度的內蘊,驅動熱情在服務生活的能量,與自然、與空間、與他人、與工具之間發生共鳴,再來決定動手創造,從幻想到實現的過程,成就了許多迷人的故事。德國iF 所表彰的設計,是真正從「人」來講究傳達的精細體驗,當我們能擁有一道光,便完美了一道窗,一個家,一種溫暖而爽快的創造。一件設計作品,從原點出發,探究人的感知,觀看道道美的度量衡,設計者開始遊走於各種比例,定義出材料的精準溫度,並細細著墨工法與工藝
當腦中的幻想成為點子,當點子又讓我們廢寢忘食的突破盲點,當盲點又被新的觀點與技術所啟發,當你在街坊巷弄看見自己的設計成果,進入了眾人的生活,那些一再與社會達成共識的美好設計,不變的情節,是一群人共同感動的創發過程,這將是最宏觀又最微觀的感受跨度。觀察百年的世界設計趨勢,從實用轉進通用,從裝飾轉進自然,從手工融入數據人機思考,2020 年,不得不正視的世界傳染疫情,將人類共同的設計命題,帶入當代生物科技時代,未來的設計主題,更清楚地指向人本與自然融合,並強調其中的互聯共生的特性,作為設計師的挑戰,在功能之上,更具溝通跨域美學的任務,先創造獨門的團隊共識方法,再投入研發。我相信,走過的人都知道,站在台上的人更是五味雜陳,設計師們所擁有的話語權,是代言自己對生活的觀察,用雙手把玩著維度,將知識累積成品味,去照顧更長遠的設計。
最終,我們總要問自己為這個世界留下了什麼?一個好的設計,一套好的觀念,一個家,一道光。iF 與世界亦如是,臺灣眾多原創的光,正在啟發著全世界,讓我們驕傲地繼續低頭寫著故事。
Art is a service rendered for people, and design is a service rendered to better people's lives.
LuxuryLogico advocates a creative consensus in realizing its creative aspirations driven by the rational perseverance by its designers, the essence of the mindset regarding arts, the energy fuelling the drive to provide service for living while resonating with nature, space, others, and tools before carrying out a hands-on process to realize many fascinating stories.
The design iF Award strives to epitomize is a refined human-first experience of communication, as light may perfect a window and a home in a warm and direct creative process. A design work, at its origin, articulates the human perception, balancing the aesthetics judgment while the designers traverse amidst all types of proportionality in defining the precise materiality as well as techniques and detailing, in the name of creating results and processes that satisfy the human needs. As the fantasy transcends to ideas, which propel us to a relentless pursuit of
an ideal design with social consensus which has been inspired by new viewpoints and technologies before appearing in front of the public eyes, it is undoubtedly a moving creative process with both panoramic and focused perceptual event.
Given the century-old evolving world trend thus far, from pragmatic to general-purpose, from decorative to natural, from handmade to the infusion of data and machine-human relationship, 2020 has been a year of the pandemic on a global scale, as the common theme of design in our world has become biotechnology focused with the future theme that is pointing to the synergy of human spirit and nature in a symbiosis relationship, so the challenge for the designers would be to create a unique team consensus that speaks of cross-disciplinary aesthetics on
top of functional considerations before initiating the subsequent creative developments. I believe that the mixed feelings for the individuals subject to the scrutiny of public opinions epitomize their observations of everyday life while they consider their future design that is creatively sustainable, intellectually refined, and socially responsible.
Lastly, we shall ask ourselves what legacy we would have left to this world, whether it be a good design, a set of great ideals, a home, or a ray of light. Just like the relationship between the iF Award and the rest of the world, much of the creative forces in Taiwan are beaming with inspirations as we continue proudly composing our narratives on the current endeavor.