紅點設計大獎 金獎
An education & exhibition space that makes AI closer than ever before.
有鑑於人工智慧(AI)時代的趨勢即將來臨,學校單位期許能給予學生們體驗並善用於科技應用所帶來的便利與全面性,故特地於教學大樓(工學大樓Main Engineering Building)的中庭以輕量微建築的方式打造一座嶄新的多功能教室,透過前瞻的空間佈局與設計巧思,在虛實交錯的格局配置之下,創造具有前瞻性與國際性的人工智慧(AI)教育空間,引領學生與研究人士能沉浸在AI科技所帶來、超越過往的未來之境。
Given the trending AI era, the school hoped to give students opportunities to experience the convenience and comprehensiveness of technology. A new common room is built in the atrium of the main engineering building with the concept of microarchitecture. Through this forward-looking academic space, the designer and the school hoped to create a portal for students and researchers a glance at the future.